Literature Review of Embedded Governance Research


  • Jianing Niu



Embedded Governance, Related Research, Summary


The embedded English word is “ Embeddedness”, which means “ tightly buried ” in Chinese. It vividly shows the combination of two things. The word opposite to embedding is “ de-embedding ”, which, as the name suggests, means that one part of a thing is detached and becomes a completely independent thing. The core of embedding lies in “ integration ”, emphasizing the mutual connection and integration of the two, and the core of disembedding emphasizes “ separation ”, emphasizing the mutual exclusion and separation of the two. Polanyi introduced the concept of embeddedness into the new economic sociology for the first time, and Granovetter further reshaped the concept of embeddedness, which became a new milestone in the research process of embeddedness theory. In China "s academic circles, the concept of “ embeddedness ” first appeared in the field of political science. Domestic scholars have further expanded the “ embeddedness theory ” and put forward the concept of “ embedded governance. ” Relevant research mainly involves the fields of administration and national administration, Chinese politics and international politics, rural economy, higher education, medical and health policies and laws and regulations.


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How to Cite

Niu, J. (2024). Literature Review of Embedded Governance Research. International Journal of Social Sciences and Public Administration, 3(2), 302-307.