Cognitive and Affective Empathy with Negative Emotions: Mechanisms of Action in Emotion Regulation


  • Sixuan Ren



Empathy, Cognitive Reappraisal, Expression Inhibition, Negative Emotion


The influence of emotion regulation on empathy in social contexts remain to be clarified. Elucidate this issue will help to understand the mechanism of negative emotions in social interactions, and provide a theoretical basis for future social cognitive intervention. This paper examines the relationship between empathy, emotion regulation, and negative emotions through questionnaires, and finds that emotional empathy is associated with more anxiety and stress in daily life, while cognitive empathy is associated with less depression.


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How to Cite

Ren, S. (2024). Cognitive and Affective Empathy with Negative Emotions: Mechanisms of Action in Emotion Regulation. International Journal of Social Sciences and Public Administration, 3(2), 232-238.