Exploring the Religious Nature of Renaissance Artworks: Taking Dürer's Works as an Example


  • Hanbing Yu




Albrecht Dürer; Renaissance; Reformation.


Artists of the Renaissance created works under the influence of a strong religious atmosphere and humanistic spirit. Thinking about "man" and "God" was the main topic that artists of this period were keen to explore. This article takes Albrecht Dürer as an example and explores the religious concepts presented in Renaissance image works based on the analysis of religious art historical documents. Research has found that Dürer's religious concepts are dialectical, pluralistic, and multi-perspective. Dürer believes that when faced with difficulties beyond human power at the social level, God is both a judge and a symbol of hope; when faced with the trend of technological innovation at the artistic and scientific level, God is a prophet of inspiration and wisdom; when faced with the pursuit of ideals and beauty at the level of self-pursuit, God is a carrier. In his works, Dürer not only expresses the enlightenment and awe of religion that comes from suffering but also the desire that comes from ideals. He also actively expresses and presents religious themes in a personalized way


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How to Cite

Yu, H. (2024). Exploring the Religious Nature of Renaissance Artworks: Taking Dürer’s Works as an Example. Transactions on Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 12, 294-300. https://doi.org/10.62051/p6nq4n90