The Relationship Between Employment Non-Discrimination Laws and Women’s Salary: A Comparative Study of China and the United States
Employment; Gender; Discrimination; Salary.Abstract
As a disadvantaged group in the job market, women’s average salary and employment opportunities in the workplace are less than those of men. There are constant calls for equality in the workplace. Employment Non-Discrimination Laws emerged to help women obtain better employment opportunities and salary levels. This article discusses the relationship between Employment Non-Discrimination Laws and the average salary of women in China and the United States; uses women's average salary as the main data and research object and explores its relationship with legislation. Employment Non-Discrimination laws are not the only factor that affects women's average wages, so a comparative approach is used in this article. This article selects China and the United States as the objects of comparative study because they are currently the two largest economies in the world. At the end of the article, this article puts forward prospects and improvements on how to legislate women's salary levels and provide more protection in society in the future.
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