Study on the Impact of Enterprise HR Management Informationization on Labor Relations Management
HR management informationization, labor relations, sustainable development.Abstract
In the context of global economic integration, new opportunities have arisen for the robust development of China's economy and various industries. As the mainstay of all economic activities, enterprises have a significant impact on competitiveness through internal management optimization and effective talent utilization. Thus, managing human resources well is of great importance. To meet the long-term development needs of enterprises, relying solely on capital accumulation and technological innovation is insufficient. It is also essential to build an efficient, collaborative, and innovative team based on actual development needs. Such a team requires scientific and rational human resource management. In the age of informationization, the effective management of human resources information systems has become a key means for enterprises to enhance management efficiency and optimize resource allocation. Labor relations, an important aspect of enterprise management, directly affect the stable development of an enterprise. Human resource management information systems can help establish a more transparent and fair labor relations management system, reduce labor disputes, and increase employee satisfaction, thereby creating a favorable development environment for the enterprise. Therefore, strengthening the construction of human resource management information systems has become an inevitable choice for enterprises to enhance competitiveness and achieve sustainable development.
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