Dynamic Analysis of A Three Dimension Chaotic System


  • Shiqi Xiong
  • Weiwei Song




Three-dimensional system; Lyapunov exponent; Chaotic circuit


Memristor is a newly realized physical element, and it is a non-linear circuit element with memory function. We constructed a new three-dimensional chaotic system is constructed which contains four parameters and five non-linear terms. The system is analyzed by nonlinear dynamic analysis methods such as theoretical deduction analysis, numerical simulation, lyapunov exponent spectrum, and bifurcation diagram. The dynamic behavior of the system. This paper proposes a new three-dimensional chaotic system. The system contains four parameters, and each equation contains a non-linear product term. Based on theoretical derivation, numerical simulation,  Lyapunov exponential spectrum, bifurcation diagram, the basic dynamic characteristics of the chaotic system are analyzed.


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How to Cite

Xiong, S., & Song, W. (2023). Dynamic Analysis of A Three Dimension Chaotic System. Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research, 1, 67-72. https://doi.org/10.62051/fyrev934