Research on Bionic Climbing Robot Based on Gait Analysis


  • Jiayi Li



gait analysis; bionic; climbing; robotics.


In order to replace humans performing hazardous tasks in complex high-altitude environments, we have designed a two-armed modular bionic robot with clawing, climbing and mobility capabilities for high-altitude tasks in agriculture, forestry and construction. In this paper, a five-degree-of-freedom climbing modular robot with the ability to maneuver between poles in space is presented and analyzed. Three types of climbing gaits is designed and compared in the ADAMS simulation environment based on the torques required by the main joints and the energy consumed by the robot to climb the poles in different directions. The simulation results are the basis for planning the gait of the robot during climbing.


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How to Cite

Li, J. (2023). Research on Bionic Climbing Robot Based on Gait Analysis. Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research, 1, 48-54.