STAR-RIS aided NOMA Networks: A Signal Enhancement Algorithm
simultaneous-transmitting-and-reflecting reconfigurable intelligent surface, non-orthogonal multiple access, signal enhancement algorithm, ergodic rate.Abstract
In order to overcome the reflecting-only issue of the conventional reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS), simultaneous-transmitting-and-reflecting reconfigurable intelligent surface (STAR-RIS) stands as a potential solution for providing access services to the users located at the full space. By utilizing the omnidirectional properties of STAR-RIS, non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) users on both sides can be served simultaneously. By making the signal reflected by STAR-RIS coherent superposition with the direct signal, using the Riemannian optimization algorithm (ROA), the proposed signal enhancement algorithm can greatly enhance the signal power of NOMA users, reduce the outage probability, and improve the ergodic rate performance. According to the simulation results, the random phase STAR-RIS can improve the spectral efficiency of 3.6bit/s/Hz compared without STAR-RIS. After using the proposed ROA, the spectral efficiency can be extra increased by 1.8bit/s/Hz, which verifies the superiority of the proposed algorithm.
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