Does Digital Transformation Affect Enterprise Innovation?: Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies


  • Jiayi Yang



Digital Transformation; Enterprise Innovation; Internal Control; Financing Constraints; Nature of Property Rights.


Up against mass entrepreneurship and innovation in recent years, China has vigorously promoted enterprise digital transformation. Taking Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share listed companies from 2012 to 2022 as samples, this paper empirically tests the relationship between enterprise digital transformation and enterprise innovation. The research results show that enterprise digital transformation can significantly promote enterprise innovation. Meanwhile, internal control and financing constraints of enterprises play a moderating role between digital transformation and enterprise innovation. In the samples with different property rights and whether they are high-tech enterprises, the effect of enterprise digital transformation on enterprise innovation varies. Incorporating digital transformation and enterprise innovation into the same analysis framework, this paper expands existing research and puts forward corresponding suggestions and prospects.


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How to Cite

Yang, J. (2024). Does Digital Transformation Affect Enterprise Innovation?: Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies. Transactions on Economics, Business and Management Research, 7, 250-260.