A Review of the Basic Principles and Methods of Signal Sampling Technology


  • Jiafeng Li




Signal adoption technology; sampling theorem; sampling frequency; sampling depth; sampling method.


In modern life, communication is an essential human activity. In the process of communication, various information spreads around the world in the form of signals. In order to optimize the communication, the reasonable processing of the signal becomes an important research problem. Signal processing is an important step during signal processing. It is one of two processes that convert an analog signal into a digital equivalent signal. It can be considered that signal sampling transforms the time axis of the signal into a set of discrete time moments, that is, the process of converting a signal in a continuous time domain to a discrete time domain through a series of methods. It is used to convert continuous time signals into digital signals for relevant processing and storage of digital signals in subsequent operations. This paper will summarize the basic principles and methods of signal sampling technology, introduce the sampling theorem, sampling frequency, sampling depth, sampling method and sampling error, and finally discuss the future development of signal adoption technology.


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How to Cite

Li, J. (2024) “A Review of the Basic Principles and Methods of Signal Sampling Technology”, Transactions on Computer Science and Intelligent Systems Research, 8, pp. 146–152. doi:10.62051/edadp344.