Integrated solutions for line planning and seafloor surface fitting in marine surveying
Marine surveying; Survey line planning; Seabed surface fitting; Mathematical modeling; Iterative solution.Abstract
Marine surveying plays an important role in nautical safety and marine resources development. Among them, survey line planning and seafloor surface fitting are two key problems in marine surveying. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive solution to these problems. Firstly, for line planning, we establish a mathematical model for determining the shortest line in rectangular sea area, and derive the optimal line path through iterative solving. Second, for the seafloor surface fitting problem, we transformed the seafloor surface into a flat slope and established a plane-approximation surface model to calculate the line path. By visualizing the data and calculating the results, we obtained important results such as the shortest line length and the percentage of missed sea area to the total sea area to be measured. The method proposed in this paper provides an effective solution for marine surveying.
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