Technology-empowered Blended Learning: A Case Study of Contemporary American Society and Culture Course


  • Jie Chen



Liberal Education, Blended Learning, Critical Thinking, TERRIFIC Principles


Under the background of integration of technology and higher education, this paper probes the question whether technology can advance liberal education, especial the critical thinking capability required by liberal education, in English major. The paper first identifies English major as a part of the humanity and social science disciplines, in which liberal education is essential and indispensable. Since liberal education emphasizes the capability of critical thinking, the paper then asks whether the integration of technology can promote the student’s critical thinking and therefore facilitate liberal education. The paper then applies the eight principles of critical thinking (TERRIFIC Principles) to evaluate the blended teaching of Contemporary American Culture and Society (CACS), a core course of English major at the Faculty of English Language and Culture, GDUFS. After examining the textbook, syllabus, program setting, teaching practice and assessment of CACS, it is found that blended online and offline teaching is better at developing the student’s capability of critical thinking than traditional offline teaching. The paper concludes that technology-empowered learning is conducive to liberal education.


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How to Cite

Chen, J. (2024). Technology-empowered Blended Learning: A Case Study of Contemporary American Society and Culture Course. International Journal of Social Sciences and Public Administration, 3(3), 1-11.