A Review of Multi-source Heterogeneous Twin Data Processing Methods in Traffic Scenes
Twin Data, Data Collection, Urban Transportation, Data Fusion, Data AnalysisAbstract
As the complexity of intelligent public transportation systems continues to increase and the degree of interconnection of equipment at all levels gradually deepens, building a digital twin system will generate a large amount of multi-source heterogeneous data. Effective processing and in-depth mining of data can provide real-time and intelligent decision-making optimization for the construction of digital twin systems, thereby efficiently handling complex emergencies. This paper conducts a systematic review on the processing methods and technologies of multi-source heterogeneous twin data in traffic dynamic scenarios. First, the content and classification of multi-source heterogeneous twin data in the operation process of intelligent bus systems are clarified; secondly, the multi-source The data processing methods and technologies applied in each stage of data collection, data storage, data fusion and data analysis in heterogeneous twin data processing are analyzed, and the advantages, disadvantages and applications of various methods and technologies are analyzed; finally, corresponding to the multiple This paper summarizes the methods and technologies for processing multi-source heterogeneous twin data, and points out the challenges and development trends faced by the current multi-source heterogeneous twin data processing methods and technologies.
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