A Review of Research on Social Network Event Detection Methods


  • Tianqi Chen




Social Networks, Information Dissemination, Event Detection


In recent years, with the development of technological infrastructure and the use of tech products, internet usage has become widespread globally. Significant advancements have been made in the use of social networks, which are now more readily accessible through Internet and Web 3.0 technologies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Consequently, over the past decade, numerous researchers have been developing methods for event detection based on data collected from social media platforms. The methodologies devised for discovering events are typically modular in design and novel in terms of scale and speed. To review the research in this field, we have compiled existing works on social network event detection and conducted a comprehensive and in-depth survey. Methods for social network event detection are elaborated and categorized, with performance evaluations conducted using relevant metrics. Finally, we offer perspectives on future directions.


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How to Cite

Chen, T. (2024). A Review of Research on Social Network Event Detection Methods. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 3(1), 82-92. https://doi.org/10.62051/ijcsit.v3n1.12